What are the main two types of coffee roasters?

Coffee roasting is a crucial step in the production of the perfect cup of coffee. It is during this process that the green coffee beans are transformed into the aromatic beans that we brew. There are various methods and tools used for roasting coffee, but this article will focus on the two main types of coffee roasters: drum roasters and hot air roasters. In this article, we will delve into the characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of each type.

What are the main two types of coffee roasters?(图1)

1. Drum Roasters

The drum roaster, also known as a barrel or traditional roaster, is one of the oldest and most commonly used types of coffee roasters. It consists of a rotating drum that evenly heats the coffee beans. The barrel is heated either via gas or electricity, and the beans are constantly agitated to ensure even roasting.

The main advantages of drum roasters are:

  • Consistent and even heat distribution
  • Ability to roast large batches of coffee beans
  • Enhancement of flavor and aroma

However, drum roasters also have their disadvantages. They are typically larger in size and require more space. Additionally, the longer roasting time can sometimes result in a loss of flavors and nuances in the coffee beans.

2. Hot Air Roasters

Hot air roasters, also known as fluid bed roasters or convection roasters, are a newer and more modern type of coffee roasting machine. They utilize hot air to roast the coffee beans, instead of a heated drum. The beans are suspended in a fluidized bed, allowing for even heating and roasting.

The advantages of hot air roasters include:

  • Faster roasting time
  • Ability to achieve precise roasting profiles
  • Less space required

However, hot air roasters also have some limitations. Because the beans are suspended in air, there is a risk of less consistent heat distribution. This can result in uneven roasting if not carefully monitored. Additionally, hot air roasters often produce coffee with a lighter body compared to drum roasters.

Choosing the Right Roaster for You

When it comes to choosing between drum roasters and hot air roasters, it ultimately depends on your personal preferences and needs. If you prioritize consistency and the ability to roast large batches, a drum roaster might be the right choice for you. On the other hand, if you value speed and precise control over the roasting process, a hot air roaster could be the better option.

Regardless of the type of roaster you choose, it is important to understand the nuances of coffee roasting and experiment with different techniques to achieve the desired flavor profiles. The art of coffee roasting is a delicate balance of science and creativity, and the type of roaster you use is just one piece of the puzzle.


Coffee roasting is a fundamental part of the coffee-making process, and choosing the right type of roaster is crucial in achieving the desired flavor and aroma. Drum roasters offer consistency and the ability to roast large batches, while hot air roasters provide faster roasting time and precise control. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on personal preference and the desired outcome. Whichever roaster type you choose, the key is to experiment, refine your technique, and enjoy the journey towards the perfect cup of coffee.